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synth is a Unix-y command line tool wrapped around the core synthetic data engine.


Command: import#

Usage: synth import [OPTIONS] <namespace>

Synth can create schema files from different data sources using the synth import command. Accidentally running synth import on an existing directory is safe - the operation will fail.

If a subdirectory for a given namespace does not exist, Synth will create it.


  • <namespace> - The path to the namespace directory into which to save schema files. The directory will be created by synth.


  • --from <uri> - The location from which to import. Synth uses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to define interactions with databases and the filesystem. <uri> must therefore be a valid RFC 3986 URI.

    Importing from a database is possible using the standard URI format of the respective database. For example: postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/tpch

    It is possible to import from a file using the URI schemes json:, jsonl:, csv: depending on whether the data specified is encoded as JSON, JSON Lines or CSV respectively. For example, one could import data from a file data.jsonl in the current working directory by specifying jsonl:data.json. Note the lack of // that you may be used to seeing - this can be omitted as this URI will never have an authority component (unlike, for example, a database URI).

    Data can be imported from standard input by simply not specifying a path in the URI (e.g. jsonl: will read JSON Lines data directly from standard input). If no --from argument is specified, JSON data will read from standard input by default.

    When dealing with JSON Lines and not specifying a single collection with the --collection argument, each generated object is tagged with the name of the collection it was generated from. By default, this is done by adding a property type to the object (e.g. "type": "collection_name"). The name of this property can be changed using an additional parameter collection_field_name added at the end of the URI like so: jsonl:file.jsonl?collection_field_name=foobar - with this URI used with --from, generate objects will instead have a property like "foobar": "collection_name".

    With regards to CSV importing/exporting, it is important to note that the URI path should specify a directory and not an individual file. This is because, unlike JSON and JSON Lines, a single CSV file cannot easily represent data from multiple collections so each collection's data is stored in a separate .csv file. Also, when importing CSV, Synth by default assumes that the input data will contain a header row, unless a ?header_row=false argument is present at the end of the URI.

Command: generate#

Usage: synth generate [OPTIONS] <namespace>

The synth generate command will generate data from a collection of schema files.

If there is a misconfiguration in your schema (for example referring to a field that does not exist), synth generate will exit with a non-zero exit code and output an error message to help you understand which part of the schema is misconfigured.


  • <namespace> - The path to the namespace directory from which to load schema files.


  • --collection <collection> - Specify a specific collection in a namespace if you don't want to generate data from all collections. This option cannot be used with --scenario.
  • --scenario <scenario> - Specify a specific scenario if you don't want to generate data from all collections. This option cannot be used with --collection.
  • --size <size> - The number of elements which should be generated per collection. This number is not guaranteed, it serves as a lower bound.
  • --to <uri> - The generation destination specified using a URI (see import --from explanation above). If unspecified, generation defaults to stdout using JSON.
  • --seed <seed> - An unsigned 64 bit integer seed to be used as a seed for generation. Defaults to 0 if unspecified.
  • --random - A flag which toggles generation with a random seed. This cannot be used with --seed.