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Financial Services Example

In this scenario, we want to create a realistic replica of our production database called bank_db for the purpose of application testing.

Example Data#

bank_db has two tables:

  1. The users table which has all the information pertaining to our customers.
{  "id": 1,  "created_at_date": "2009-03-19",  "created_at_time": "01:00:02",  "credit_card": "346215176014733",  "currency": "GIP",  "email": "",  "is_active": false,  "last_login_at": "2020-06-22T05:46:41+0000",  "num_logins": 19,  "password_hash": "eebed079e19dcf5b936e8ca5a648bee38e30bec0212...",  "username": ""}
  1. The transactions table which has transactions referring to the customers in the users table:
{  "id": 1,  "amount": 5001.70,  "currency": "GIP",  "timestamp": "2020-05-13T20:48:01+0000",  "description": "Walmart Credit Purchase",  "user_id": 1}

Feeding Data into Synth#

We first create a new workspace to import our dataset into Synth:

mkdir synth_workspace && cd synth_workspace

Synth supports importing from JSON files. To create a namespace, copy the JSON blob below to a file outside your workspace and use the import command:

synth import bank_db/ --from json:/path/to/the/file.json
{  "users": [    {      "id": 1,      "created_at_date": "2009-03-19",      "created_at_time": "01:00:02",      "credit_card": "346215176014733",      "currency": "GIP",      "email": "",      "is_active": false,      "last_login_at": "2020-06-22T05:46:41+0000",      "num_logins": 19,      "password_hash": "eebed079e19dcf5b936e8ca5a648bee38e30bec02129790eabdd7084919d7972",      "username": ""    },    {      "id": 2,      "created_at_date": "1989-08-02",      "created_at_time": "14:01:03",      "credit_card": "347805284578857",      "currency": "RON",      "email": "",      "is_active": false,      "last_login_at": "2020-06-09T12:25:34+0000",      "num_logins": 96,      "password_hash": "5fd241333135a2852c124a28401460d6c7bbd1851a256becddd95f9141e8a74b",      "username": ""    },    {      "id": 3,      "created_at_date": "1993-04-12",      "created_at_time": "18:28:28",      "credit_card": "347652531949402",      "currency": "EUR",      "email": "",      "is_active": false,      "last_login_at": "2020-07-24T18:30:45+0000",      "num_logins": 56,      "password_hash": "2a3e0851d34b71088fb77c20b840689169b89acef2e74ae687fc1b99387e100b",      "username": "nick_j"    },    {      "id": 4,      "created_at_date": "2001-09-11",      "created_at_time": "06:25:41",      "credit_card": "341034072996090",      "currency": "KHR",      "email": "",      "is_active": false,      "last_login_at": "2020-03-02T08:31:01+0000",      "num_logins": 39,      "password_hash": "10ab7dcd6b7ac468bd442febf904f4025f38017f847774f91ca2bdbdfe029ce1",      "username": "fullerangela"    }  ],  "transactions": [    {      "id": 1,      "amount": 5001.7,      "currency": "GIP",      "timestamp": "2020-05-13T20:48:01+0000",      "description": "Walmart Credit Purchase",      "user_id": 1    },    {      "id": 2,      "amount": 274.4,      "currency": "GIP",      "timestamp": "2020-04-07T20:19:23+0000",      "description": "Amazon - Kindle reading tablet",      "user_id": 1    },    {      "id": 3,      "amount": 6199.9,      "currency": "KHR",      "timestamp": "2020-02-03T11:24:36+0000",      "description": "Apple store subscription",      "user_id": 2    },    {      "id": 4,      "amount": 3747.6,      "currency": "KHR",      "timestamp": "2020-04-02T02:37:22+0000",      "description": "Google store rental",      "user_id": 2    },    {      "id": 5,      "amount": 4358.4,      "currency": "KHR",      "timestamp": "2020-03-20T04:12:11+0000",      "description": "Apple accessories",      "user_id": 2    },    {      "id": 6,      "amount": 6597.5,      "currency": "EUR",      "timestamp": "2020-09-16T07:26:02+0000",      "description": "Amazon Kindle subscription",      "user_id": 3    }  ]}

At this stage, we can run the tree command to see how the synth import sub-command updated our workspace.

$ tree -a.โ””โ”€โ”€ bank_db    โ”œโ”€โ”€ transactions.json    โ””โ”€โ”€ users.json

The directory bank_db (remember from Core Concepts a subdirectory in a workspace represents a namespace) was created automatically as well as the two collections - transactions and users.

We can now generate data from our namespace using the synth generate sub-command. (We are piping this into jq for the auto-formatting but this is optional.)

synth generate bank_db | jq{  "transactions": [    {      "amount": 5336.4,      "currency": "k1BFV",      "description": "z86x3QSvEY9pCVdTsr3zDyuf04ccmf5",      "id": 1,      "timestamp": "kfAuUrNEb8dgGT5",      "user_id": 2    }  ],  "users": [    {      "created_at_date": "Mg",      "created_at_time": "Me2kBYEDb",      "credit_card": "LnafugyfWMLf8Gns",      "currency": "8e9u8h5KYg",      "email": "yLXGebLNS5ZmZWifCqv20",      "id": 3,      "is_active": false,      "last_login_at": "gH7zB0nkU0ScpmOhWr3vm",      "num_logins": 78,      "password_hash": "OJUsm0b4d",      "username": "3ouuDKRsR7a"    },    ...  ]}

Notice, that the data generated has the right schema, but looks kind of useless. For example the timestamp field is not even a timestamp, it's just a random string.

The semantic meaning of the data has not been perfectly captured by the Synth inference engine. As synth evolves, inference will get better - but for now, we need to tweak the schema.

Tweaking the Schema#

To modify the schema, open the workspace in your favourite editor. Let's take a look at bank_db/transactions.json first.

{  "type": "array",  "length": {    "type": "number",    "subtype": "u64",    "range": {      "low": 1,      "high": 6,      "step": 1    }  },  "content": {    "type": "object",    "amount": {      "optional": false,      "type": "number",      "subtype": "f64",      "range": {        "low": 274.4,        "high": 6597.5,        "step": 1.0      }    },    "id": {      "optional": false,      "type": "number",      "subtype": "u64",      "range": {        "low": 1,        "high": 6,        "step": 1      }    },    "timestamp": {      "optional": false,      "type": "string",      "pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*"    },    "user_id": {      "optional": false,      "type": "number",      "subtype": "u64",      "range": {        "low": 1,        "high": 3,        "step": 1      }    },    "currency": {      "optional": false,      "type": "string",      "pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*"    },    "description": {      "type": "string",      "pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*"    }  }}

There is quite a bit going on here, so let's break it down. This file represents a schema for a collection. Collections are arrays under the hood and so they have 2 fields.

1) The content of an Array. This can be any valid JSON, but since bank_db originates from a SQL database with column names and so on, it is a JSON object.

2) The length of an Array. The length of an Array is actually also a Content node. This gives you flexibility - for example you can make the length of an array be a number::range

For more information on how to compose schemas, see the Schema page.

Tweaking Individual Fields#

Reading through the schema, we can see that Synth inferred id as being a number::range.

What we actually need, is for id to be a monotonically increasing number::id type starting at 0.

{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "u64",  "id": {    "start_at": 0  }}

The amount field is almost right. Synth inferred the right low and high bounds, but, the step should be 0.01 as we are dealing with currencies. So let's replace the amount field:

{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "f64",  "range": {    "low": 274.4,    "high": 6597.5,    "step": 0.01  }}

Next, we see Synth detected the timestamp field as a string following a random pattern. Consulting the documentation it should be a date_time.

{  "type": "date_time",  "format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z",  "begin": "2000-01-01T00:00:00+0000",  "end": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+0000"}

The user_id field should point to a valid entry in the users collection, so let's use the same_as content type to express this foreign key relationship.

{  "type": "same_as",  "ref": ""}

The currency field should reflect the real currencies that the bank supports. We could use the string::faker support currency_code generator to do this, but the bank only supports USD , GBP and EUR. So she uses a string::categorical instead. Roughly 80% of transactions are in USD so let's assign a higher probability to that variant.

{  "type": "string",  "categorical": {    "USD": 8,    "GBP": 1,    "EUR": 1  }}

Finally, the description can be more descriptive. We can again use a string::categorical generator, but don't want to put thousands of descriptive lines in our declaration file. Instead, we'll use an external JSON datasource to pull descriptions from. First copy the following JSON to a descriptions.json file in the workspace.

[  "Walmart Credit Purchase",  "Amazon - Kindle reading tablet",  "Apple store subscription",  "Google store rental",  "Apple accessories",  "Amazon Kindle subscription"]

Next, edit the description field as follow:

{  "type": "datasource",  "path": "json:descriptions.json",  "cycle": true}

Now let's generate data from the transactions collection again:

synth generate bank_db --collection transactions --size 10 | jq[  {    "amount": 1458.2,    "currency": "GBP",    "description": "Walmart Credit Purchase",    "id": 0,    "timestamp": "2014-12-15T22:49:23+0000",    "user_id": 3  },  {    "amount": 6043.2,    "currency": "USD",    "description": "Amazon - Kindle reading tablet",    "id": 1,    "timestamp": "2002-10-10T23:41:32+0000",    "user_id": 1  },  {    "amount": 2515.7000000000003,    "currency": "GBP",    "description": "Apple store subscription",    "id": 2,    "timestamp": "2000-07-17T05:50:27+0000",    "user_id": 3  },...]

Ah, much better.

As an exercise for the reader, try to do the same with the collection users.json.