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Synth's number type allows for generating fixed-width numbers.



All the variants of number accept an optional "subtype" field to specify the width and primitive kind of the values generated. The value of "subtype", if specified, must be one of u64, i64, f64, u32, i32, f32.


{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "u32",  "constant": 42}

It is not required to specify the "subtype" field: synth will try to infer the best value based on the value of other parameters. But it may be necessary to set it manually in situations where the data sink only accepts certain widths (e.g. postgres).


If no variant (such as range, constant, etc.) is specified, number will have different default behavior based on the value of "subtype".

  • For integer subtypes (i32, u32, etc.): number will default to generating one of the integers in the representable range of the subtype.
  • For float subtypes (f32, f64): number will default to generating from the semi-open interval [0, 1).


{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "i32"}


{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "f32"}


Generates numbers of a particular type contained in a specified interval.


  • "low" (optional, number): the lower bound of the interval
  • "high" (optional, number): the upper bound of the interval
  • "step" (optional, number): force alignment of generated numbers on multiples of "step" from the value of "low".
  • "include_low" (optional, bool): whether to include the specified lower bound in the range. Defaults to true.
  • "include_high" (optional, bool): whether to include the specified upper bound in the range. Defaults to false.


This generates one of the integers 0, 3, 6, 9.

{  "type": "number",  "range": {      "low": 0,      "high": 10,      "step": 3  }}


This generates one integer between 0 (included) and 122 (included).

{  "type": "number",  "range": {      "high": 122,         // the age of the oldest recorded person      "include_high": true        }}


This generates one floating-point number between -273.15 (included) and 15000000.0 (excluded) with an approximate alignment to the second decimal.

{  "type": "number",  "range": {      "high": 15000000.0, // temperature at sun's core in Celcius      "low": -273.15,     // 0 Kelvin      "step": 0.01  }}


For values of "subtype" belonging to the integer class (i32, u32, etc.), the parameters "low", "high" and "step" default to the following values if not specified explicitly:

  • "low": the minimum representable integer in the subtype
  • "high": the maximum representable integer in the subtype
  • "step": the integer 1


Not specifying any of "low", "high" is equivalent to setting the bounds to the minimum and maximum representable integers in the subtype.

{  "type": "number",  "subtype": "i32",  "range": {}}

For values of "subtype" belonging to the float class (f32, f64, etc.), the parameters "low", "high" default to the following values if not specified explicitly:

  • "low": the floating-point number 0.
  • "high": the floating-point number 1.


A constant number type. This will always evaluate to the same number.


{  "type": "number",  "constant": 3.14159  // pi}

The constant number generator can also be simply declared by its desired output value.


The schema

{  "type": "object",  "just_the_number_42": 42}

is the same as the longer

{  "type": "object",  "just_the_number_42": {    "type": "number",    "constant": 42  }}


A monotonically increasing number type, most commonly used as a unique row identifier. The optional start field defaults to 1 if unspecified.

Synth currently supports u64 ids.


{  "type": "array",  "length": {    "type": "number",    "constant": 5  },  "content": {    "type": "number",    "id": {      "start_at": 10    }  }}