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Synth's object generator type mirrors JSON's objects. They generate key/value pairs whose keys are strings and values are any sampled from any other generator type. With an object, you can compose simpler generators into compound generators that reflect complex data structures.

The keys of the JSON object to generate are inlined in the object keys (e.g. "identifier" and "name" below).


{  "type": "object",  "identifier": {    "type": "number",    "subtype": "u64",    "range": {      "low": 0,      "high": 100,      "step": 1    }  },  "name": {    "type": "string",    "faker": {      "generator": "name"    }  }}

Values of objects can be any of Synth's generator type (including an other object). In the example above, "identifier" has value a number type and "name" has value a string type.

Values of objects can be made nullable by specifying the "optional": true attribute.


{  "type": "object",  "email": {    "optional": true,    "type": "string",    "faker": {      "generator": "ascii_email"    }  }}

By default, optional values that are generated as null will produce a key-value pair of the form key: null. This behavior can be controlled by specifying the skip_when_null: true attribute on the object generator.


{  "type": "object",  "skip_when_null": true,  "email": {    "optional": true,    "type": "string",    "faker": {      "generator": "ascii_email"    }  }}

If a field should have the name "type", this would clash with the predefined object attribute of the same name. This can be worked around by changing the name to "type_". The additional underscore will be removed in the generated values.


{  "type": "object",  "type_": {    "type": "string",    "categorical": {      "user": 90,      "contributor": 8,      "admin": 2    }  }}