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Synth's same_as generator type establishes a relation between two generators. It lets you re-use a value generated at a different level in say, an object, at a different level in the same object. It is often used to specify foreign key relationships in complex datasets.

A full path is needed at all times. So to refer to the name in a file named example.json, we need to use


{  "type": "object",  "name": {    "type": "string",    "faker": {      "generator": "first_name"    }  },  "same_name": {    "type": "same_as",    "ref": ""  }}

The "ref" field must point to another existing field. Complex objects can be traversed by concatenating levels with a period . as seen in the following home.json file.


{  "type": "object",  "address": {    "type": "object",    "street_name": {      "type": "string",      "faker": {        "generator": "street_name"      }    },    "zip_code": {      "type": "string",      "faker": {        "generator": "zip_code"      }    }  },  "same_zip_code": {    "type": "same_as",    "ref": "home.content.address.zip_code"  }}

The same_as generator can also be simply declared by the value of the "ref" field prefixed with @:

{  "type": "object",  "address": {    "type": "object",    "street_name": {      "type": "string",      "faker": {        "generator": "street_name"      }    },    "zip_code": {      "type": "string",      "faker": {        "generator": "zip_code"      }    }  },  "same_zip_code": "@home2.content.address.zip_code"}